Greensleeves Florist


Room 2C1087, The Pentagon
Arlington, VA 22202 ArlingtonRate and review
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Greensleeves Florist provides flowers, plants and gifts for all occasions.

Greensleeves Florist at Pentagon

Greensleeves Florist is a high end floral and gift business located in the heart of Northern Virginia, and providing services worldwide. Greensleeves has both corporate and residential customers. Delivery services include local deliveries in Northern Virginia, and wire out services worldwide. Greensleeves has been in business since the early 1980's and has kept its outstanding reputation for providing the best products and doing high quality work with fine customer service.

Greensleeves offers a wide selection of floral arrangements, gifts, fresh, silk, and dried flowers, made-to-order wreaths and one of a kind arrangements designed and created specifically for the customer. Customers comment that they can always find something unique and different at Greensleeves. We cater to our customer's tastes to produce perfect products for any occasion. Our designers specialize in interior design, decorating, weddings, funerals, birthdays, and other occasions. These designers have been praised repeatedly for some of the best weddings that customers have ever attended.

Many of our corporate customers have house accounts. A designated representative places orders via telephone, fax, or Internet. Greensleeves sends monthly statements and invoices. Most of our customers find this very convenient.

The company has an outstanding reputation

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