Since the inception of Aslin Beer Company, Andrew, Kai, & Richard wanted to create a company that they all would want to work for. They have strived to create a culture that celebrates beer with a passion and depth of knowledge that can’t help but be contagious to our customers. We realize that our beer is not the only product we provide, but a long lasting relationship between our company, employees, and customers. Aslin Beer Company doesn’t take itself too seriously. Any why should we? Beer is fun. It’s for kicking back: vacations, parties, hangouts. Along with the fun and humorous atmosphere, our founders’ have a passion and dedication to create a good product and have a commitment to provide the best beer to all passionate beer drinkers alike. Our company will craft only the highest quality ales, lagers and variants that will help redefine American beer culture, re-educate the consumer palate and revive people’s passion, while using the highest quality ingredients from around the world as well as sourced locally.
What's Your Name Mean?
"Want to play a game?" Used to be our response, but because of our growth and your support we're adding this link to ease your curiosity. No, it's not an acronym. Yes, it is a name! But it's not a combination of ours. In fact, Andrew and Kai are brother-in-laws. Each married to 2 of 3 sisters. Richard's brother is married to the third. And Voila! There it is! We are all family by marriage and bond. Oh, and the name.... is the girl's mai
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